One World Family

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We believe the Creator, the Origin of the Universe, is the Heavenly Parent of all humanity. Human beings are created in the image of both masculine and feminine love. In this sense we are all brothers and sisters. We are one family.

To create a One World Family Culture we strive to create a family heart toward others. The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification is a worldwide movement of families who are united in the celebration of humankind’s value as the children of a benevolent God.

Culture of Heart

Understanding that the core of the Universe is a true parental heart, we aspire to develop our own parental heart toward others. We strive to build families centered on the heart of a God of altruistic love. In a heart-centered family there will be differences of opinions and choices, but all are united in loving relationships wishing the best for each other.Extended Family Group Walking In Park

Families are the building blocks of society and culture. In the family children learn to love and appreciate others, and the values we carry with us in life are often rooted in our family heritage. What we learn in our family has lasting impact.

For this reason we strive to develop families where the heart of  a compassionate God can be experienced. Where each individual can experience their divine value and grow to fulfill their unique purpose. We strive to create lasting relationships infused with the natural respect, trust and appreciation that builds character and self-confidence.

Visit our new parenting website to learn more: Family is the School of Love

At Faith Fusion you will find diverse families from many cultural backgrounds. You will find families of mixed race and nationality. You will find a network of family support that transcends race, ethnicity, religion and nationality.

Creating World Peace

If your brother, sister, parent or child is suffering you would probably go out of your way to help them. When we see humanity as one family we can not ignore the suffering of others. In large or small ways, globally or locally, each of us has the ability to help others.

The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification seeks to alleviate suffering in the world and create opportunities for lasting peace and prosperity.  Through a network of worldwide service organizations we strive to help others and become peacemakers ourselves. NH Faith Fusion is an expression of these same ideals.  

 Visit our Resource Page for links to related organizations.

Unification Movement

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